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Think Outside the Bowl

About the Program

Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Your brand’s customer experience will determine whether you thrive and profit or struggle and fade in business. The little things can make a big difference. In this keynote presentation or workshop, Stan shares the key ingredients of creating signature added value. He shares the 12 different types of purple goldfish in the two main categories of value and maintenance.

As a result of this keynote session, participants will:

  1. Tools: Get equipped with the 3D process for customer experience.
  2. Skills: Understand how to do the little things to drive value or reduce customer effort.
  3. Empathy: Gain a deeper appreciation for the need to exceed customer expectations.

Event Details

Date: July 23, 2018
Time: 11:15am to 1:00pm

Lidia’s Italian Restaurant
  101 W 22nd St.
Kansas City, MO 64108 [MAP]


This event is open to members and non members of AMA. For those purchasing tickets with the membership discount, membership will be checked at the door. 

Limited Student Scholarships are available. Click here if you’re interested.

Meet Our Speakers

Stan Phelps

Stan Phelps, Best Selling Author

Stan Phelps is a distinguished speaker, author, and workshop facilitator renowned for his expertise in customer experience and employee engagement. He has authored the popular “Goldfish” series of books, providing innovative strategies on how businesses can stand out through proactive customer service and marketing. A Certified Speaking Professional and Virtual Master Presenter, Stan has delivered over 750 presentations in 23 countries, captivating audiences with his practical advice and inspirational stories. He is also a TEDx Speaker and a Forbes Contributor, recognized for his insights into how organizations can enhance loyalty and advocacy. He is an AMA Past President of the Triangle Chapter (Gold Chapter of the Year 2015-16). Stan’s dynamic workshops and presentations help companies globally to transform their approach to business and customer relations.

Evan Carroll

Author and Co-Founder Digital Beyond

Evan is an author, keynote speaker, Veteran SXSW presenter, and IBM Futurist who humanizes technology to connect with customers. He is the author of two technology books and has appeared in major news outlets including The New York Times, CBS Sunday Morning, NPR’s Fresh Air, The Atlantic, and Popular Science.

Evan is an AMA Past President of the Triangle Chapter (Gold Chapter of the Year 2014-15). In 2017, Evan was named the AMA’s Ric Sweeney Chapter Volunteer of the Year.

About the Brand

Think Outside the Bowl

The purpose of Purple Goldfish is to reach the hearts of employees and customers.

How? By doing the little things that make a big difference.

Event Registration

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